And The Hits Just Keep On Comin': November 2009

And The Hits Just Keep On Comin'

A Music Journal Collective Effort

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Album Review by Matt McKechnie

Artist: The Novaks
Album: Things Fall Apart
Recorded live off the floor of the Sonic Temple in Halifax, The
Novaks have emerged with an album of stripped-down, bare
essentials, 3-man, rough and rugged rock in 'Things Fall Apart'.
Led by the Petty-esque vocals and monster beef guitar riffage
of Mick Davis (who apparently is very Mick Jagger-like
on stage), The Novaks are surfacing a lot in the Canada music
scene. Ranging as much as they can in a powerful 3 man
throttle rock milieu, songs like 'Rain, Rain, Rain' will have
you snapping your fingers with its plush poppy sound while
'Destroyer' allows for a harder heavy-metal sensibility. Mick
Davis' lyrics don't seem to be overly cerebral as the band
sticks to writing about song-topics they seem to comfortable
with; sex, drugs, heartbreak, evil women and the road.

Blasting and sporadic at times but in a controlled venue, it's
really hard to believe that this album was recorded all in one
shot without much overdubbing. A trio rock unit has never
sounded so full. There's really not a lot to say about this album -
what you see is what you get. Will it change your life? Probably
not. Will it have you bobbing your head and pumping your fist
on your way to work? Most definitely. The simplicity of the
sound (which is a little too bare at times) is really the primary
strength of the lads. I wouldn't be surprised to see 10 more
albums from The Novaks in the next 6 years.

*(Be sure to catch The Novaks live at Lee's Palace this coming
Nov. 27 and 28 with the Arkells)

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